Jesus Is More All Right with Jews | Christianity Today

But more American Jews seem to be increasingly accepting of other Jews who accept Jesus.

A Pew Research Center study released in October reported that 34 percent of American Jews think believing Jesus is the Messiah is compatible with being Jewish. Thirty-five percent of ultra-Orthodox Jews agreed. By comparison, 94 percent of all U.S. Jews said a person can be Jewish and work on the Sabbath, and 68 percent said a person can be Jewish and not believe in God.

“This does not mean that most Jews think those things are good,” said Alan Cooperman, deputy director of Pew Research Center’s Religion and Public Life Project. “They are saying that those things do not disqualify a person from being Jewish. [But] most Jews think that belief in Jesus is disqualifying by roughly a 2-to-1 margin.”

via Jesus Is More All Right with Jews | Christianity Today.